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PES Update on the Transition to Integrated Commissioning Systems

Integrated Commissioning Sytems

3 February 2022

It has recently been announced that the implementation of Integrated care boards for systems has been delayed by three months to July instead of the planned April start.

PES is monitoring the planned spatial level of commissioning for intergrated commissioning systems across our service areas. Currently this is likely to fall into one of several categories – although for many systems this is yet to be finalised or communicated.

It is becoming more apparent that due to the complexity of the current NHS reorganisation, many systems will opt to ensure as much continuity as possible with a lift and shift approach with transformation of spatial level of commissioning likely to be a further development in the 22-23 / 23-24.

Currently all PES CCG contracts are expected to transition to the ICB – however it is unclear how many systems (in particular, larger ICS with many ‘place-based’ localities) will delegate decision making in our contracts to place. PES will be actively engaging with systems with the support of LOCs to determine this – although it is apparent this is yet to be determined in most systems.

In preparation for the coming changes the following key actions are being undertaken:

  • Work with commissioners on understanding 2 key elements: Consolidation of contracts where we have multiple contracts with a commissioner and identify destination of PES contracts and decision making
  • Preparation for changes in invoicing to avoid/minimise any potential disruption to payment processes and timescales

PES will be working closely with all stakeholders on these processes to ensure as smooth a transition as possible with a changing and complex environment.

We will keep LOCs updated on progress and potential impact on contracts and delivery in your respective areas.