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Upgraded ‘Find a Practice’ Locator Functionality Now Live on PES Website

Find a Practice

21 April 2023

We have recently updated and upgraded the location tool on our website to make it easier and clearer to use for patients.

People will now be able to search by postcode to see at-a-glance all the PES practices in the country and to search and find directions on getting to their nearest geographical options.

The tool now allows patients to identify practices that delivery both minor and urgent eye care services (MECs, CUES, CES etc) and Easy Eye Care (pathway for patients with Learning disabilities).

The tool has enhanced features such as practice logo, website and opening times visibility as well as ability to get directions to the practice. In addition, we have the added function for patients to be able to filter to open locations only – supporting quick patient access in evenings and weekends.

Guides on how to do this can be found here:

Update opening times here

Update website and logo here

Patients using the new locator tool are reminded that PES services are only available in certain areas of the country where Primary Eyecare Services are contracted by an NHS provider – also that their eligibility for being treated is determined by the GP with whom they are registered (which will be checked when they get in touch with their chosen service).

Another important reminder included with the tool asks patients to always call rather than just turn up at a practice.

To see the updated ‘Find a practice’ tool in action, please click here