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Today is Black Leaders Awareness Day

BLAD logo

18 July 2023

Honouring black leaders, sharing wisdom and inspiring generations to come

Black Leaders Awareness Day (BLAD) was created to enable people from all cultures to experience the wisdom of past, current, and next-generation leaders through the sharing and celebration of speeches, quotes, photographs and videos. It is intended as way of firmly upholding the historical legacy of black leaders, ensuring it remains at the forefront of society 365 days a year.

In line with our commitment to championing diversity and recognising the contributions of black leaders, Primary Eyecare is proud to be marking the day ourselves. To this end, we are seeking to encourage people from all walks of life to be curious about what we can all learn from the wisdom of our black leaders – past, present and future – and to share their stories and messages as well as all the countless ways in which they have inspired and influenced diversity in leadership down the centuries.

We therefore welcome the BLAD celebration today as powerful platform for highlighting the significance of black leaders throughout history and those who continue to champion diverse leadership all over the world today, including those involved in healthcare, in general, andin eye health in particular

The organisers of the day emphasise the day’s all-encompassing approach to commemorating black leaders of all ages, eras and nationalities, by explaining:

‘Some leaders are household names, such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, and Muhammad Ali who are often mentioned—and rightfully so.

However, Black Leaders Awareness Day will also herald and showcase current black leaders and next-generation leaders … So, whether black leaders are 10 years old or 100, Black Leaders Awareness Day will ensure that the world knows who they are.’

Speaking of the significance of the day on many different levels, Dharmesh Patel, Primary Eyecare’s Chief Executive Officer said:

‘This pivotal day serves as a reminder of the invaluable contributions black leaders make to our thinking and behaviours. It also reinforces the need for equal representation and opportunities at all levels. By actively supporting today and its overarching objectives, we seek to send a clear message that we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment that empowers and uplifts black talent – and to build a future where diverse leadership is actively nurtured, supported and celebrated.’

More meaningful initiatives to honour black history and achievements

As we approach October, Black History Month, Primary Eyecare is making plans to actively participate in a number of awareness raising initiatives to honour the rich history and achievements of the ongoing racial awareness dialogue, ensuring that black leaders’ stories and legacies are acknowledged and celebrated as widely as possible this year.

Part of our plans include launching an in-house black authors’ book club for our workforce which we hope will then run on an ongoing basis to promote wider reflection and discussion among our teams, and to introduce them to concepts that may sometimes be new but always informative and enlightening.

Striving for equality and inclusivity with passion and flair – the Racial Equality Matters Trailblazer award

Having signed the Big Promise in February 2023 Primary Eyecare is proud to be in the process of applying for official Trailblazer status – this is a prestigious, action-driven accreditation launched by Race Equality Matters and designed to recognise those companies implementing genuinely impactful solutions in the name of race equality.

Pursuing the Trailblazer award reinforces our determination and commitment to implement policies, practices and programmes that foster equality and inclusivity across all aspects of our organisation

This is why supporting BLAD and Black History Month is so important to Primary Eyecare. We welcome every opportunity to educate our employees, partners, stakeholders as well as our entire practice workforce and their patients about the historical significance of race issues and to drive forward positive change, promoting new dialogues and fostering a more inclusive society where everyone feels valued and empowered.

‘Black Leadership Awareness Day is a vital opportunity for our Primary Eyecare to reaffirm our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. By recognising and supporting this day, we acknowledge the immense value that black leaders have contributed – and still continue to bring – across different countries, cultures and communities around the world and over the course of human history.’

Rupesh Bagdai, Equality and Inclusion Lead, Primary Eyecare.