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For Professionals

Introducing Primary Eyecare Services’ New Website

18 February 2025

We are excited to share the launch of Primary Eyecare Services’ new website.

Primary Eyecare Services’ website home page

The aim to showcase our presence and work through our network of Local Optical Committees (LOCs), Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Trusts with local Optical Practices to deliver enhanced eye care services across England. Our purpose is to work together with Optical Practices to deliver excellent enhanced eye care closer to home for patients, we wanted our website to reflect this.

The key sections we want to highlight are the new and improved Your Area section, our new Services pages and the Service Eligibility tool.

Your Area

A screenshot of the Your Area map page of the seven NHS regions on the Primary Eyecare Services website.

As a collaborative of NHS primary eye care provider, Primary Eyecare Services supports the delivery of varying enhanced NHS eye care services across each NHS region and area of England. It is important to showcase to our patients what services are available in their local area, the eligibility requirements necessary to receive the services and who they are commissioned by. These pages allow for area specific details which are bespoke, meaning patients can readily view all services they are eligible for and signposts them to where they can go to receive the care they need.

See here for the new Your Area section.


A screenshot of the Services page, with service tiles for specific services on the Primary Eyecare Services website.

Partnering with NHS ICBs across England, Primary Eyecare Services working with a network of accredited optometry practices can deliver enhanced eye care services closer to home for patients. We know that our services can be very clinically detailed and complex to understand, therefore, we developed our Services pages describing each service available in a more patient-centred tone of voice. Aimed to allow patients to look at the service beforehand, prepare any questions they may have and know what to expect when visiting our network of optometry practices. This encourages confidence in our patients and trust between the patient and practice.

See here for the Services section.

Service Eligibility Tool

A screenshot of the Service Eligibility Tool page on the Primary Eyecare Services website

Additional to the website launch, we’ve developed a new Service Eligibility tool designed to make it easier for patients to determine their eligibility for the various services available through their local optometry practice. The tool allows patients to quickly and easily check if they are eligible for specific eye care services based on their GP practice name or address.

Our goal is to enhance patient experience by providing a user-friendly and efficient way to access important information about eye care services. The tool supports patient choice and encourages them to find the nearest optometry practice providing Minor and Urgent Eye Care services or the Easy Eye Care service for patients with learning disabilities or autism.

See here for the Service Eligibility tool.

While, we are very proud of the new website, the work is ongoing, and we are looking to launch the professional section for our network in April 2025 so please keep an eye out.