County Durham NHS Easy Eye Care Service Logo

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Local opticians offer specially adapted eye tests and eye health check appointments across the County Durham area for people with learning disabilities – it’s called the Easy Eye Care Service and it is available throughout the week and from some locations at weekends and evenings.

To be eligible for the service, all you need is to be known to your GP or local disability team.



Why Is It Important To Take Care of Our Eyes?

Adults and children with learning disabilities are much more likely to have problems with their vision than the general population. However, they are less likely to recognise that they have a sight problem and to tell others about it in order to get tests and help to see better.

Regular sight tests are important to make sure you can see as well as possible so you can continue to do all the things you need and want to do. The NHS recommends everyone is tested every two years – or more frequently if their eye health requires.

The Easy Eye Care service is different from the standard eye health check ups and is carefully designed to make it easier for people with additional needs to get the help they require.


How Is the Easy Eye Care Service Different?

Our Easy Eye Care service recognises that children and adults with learning disabilities may need adjustments to make having an eye test more comfortable and successful. These include:

  • Every appointment is with a trained optometrist who is experienced in testing and talking with people with additional needs
  • There is an option for patients to visit the practice before the test to become familiar with the surroundings and equipment used in the test
  • All patients are given the choice of longer appointments, or a series of shorter appointments, so there is no time pressure
  • Before tests take place, easy-read forms called ‘About me’ are sent so patients can tell the optician all about their eye health, including any problems, before they come in for their appointment
  • After tests have taken place, an easy-read report is given to patients, explaining the results of the eye test and the recommended next steps


How Do I Make an Appointment?

You can access our Easy Eye Care services in a number of ways, including:



Everyone should have regular eye tests, and no one is too disabled to have a test. You do not have to be able to read or talk to have an eye check.